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Hall in Raad'Ohr with a statue of Viana Seranus

Raad’Ohr is in the south west edge of Hekaria at the base of the Middle Mountains and contains the Academy of Sorceresses.

Thousands of years ago, Raad’Ohr was one of the central Logrims of the Banethak. During the great war, Raad’Ohr was heavily damaged and nearly destroyed. Hundreds of years after the great war had ended, a group of sorceresses under the lead of Viana Seranus rebuilt it. Viana Seranus, often called ‘the first sorceress’, founded the council of sorceresses and the academy in Raad’Ohr. Though it is located in the territory of Hekaria, it is not bound to their laws and is therefore an enclave. Until about 300 years ago, boys were also taught in Raad’Ohr. After the council of Arrangard, the sorcerers decided to build their own school in Steinfurt. Today only girls and young woman are taught in Raad’Ohr.

portrait-arlyn-300x300Around three hours south of Raad’Ohr is the next largest city, a small town called Eisenbrick. A lot of Eisenbrick’s inhabitants are working in or for the academy. Most parts of Raad’Ohr are built directly into the mountains. Many of the countless underground hallways are still buried and unexplored. The area around Raad’Ohr is geothermal and highly active. A lot of hot springs can be found in the area. One of these springs is under the academy in a cave and called “Mother’s spring”. The sorceresses used it as a bath and a place to relax. In this and other caves, a very special kind of crystal can be found. This crystal is thought to be the result of a magical contamination during the great war. Though the area around Raad’Ohr was not contaminated as heavy as the Ember Desert, there are still dangerous anomalies in the surrounding woods. Headmistress of Raad’Ohr is Kahlen dera Ankari.

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